Drywall Waste

How to bring Drywall into Fisher Road Recycling

Drywall Disposal Procedure 

Individuals must inform staff of drywall or any other hazardous waste being brought into yard. Failure to do so can result in fines or legal action. Facility is monitored 24/7 to ensure compliance.

Before you bring the drywall in:

Does it have a date stamp? Drywall must be 1990 or newer – drywall that is older than 1990 will not be accepted without asbestos testing (Note: If there are no dates the material cannot be accepted without asbestos testing)

If there is new drywall mixed with older drywall, two dates must be shown from each.

When you’re at Fisher Road Recycling:​

  • Declare materials to staff
  • Prepare to fill out a Drywall Pre-screening form
  • Have materials accessible, staff are required to take random samples to be tested.
  • Is there additional material attached to drywall? (wood, metal, tile, etc..) If so, inform staff.

Q: Why is this procedure in place?
A: These regulations are in place to protect customers and staff from the hazardous waste known as asbestos.  For further information visit WorkSafe BC (worksafebc.com)​

Q: What materials is asbestos commonly found?
A: Vinyl tiles, linoleum sheet flooring, roof felt, shingles, loose blown-in insulation (such as vermiculite), stucco, gypsum board filling compound, patching and joint compound for walls or ceilings, incandescent light fixture backing, and deck under-sheeting (worksafebc.com)

Asbestos disposal – If you do have asbestos containing materials follow procedures via work safe guidelines and to arrange asbestos disposal contact manager at Fisher Road Recycling.